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Quest Sprout

Quest Sprout is a small woodland creature that loves adventure and is always on the lookout for another great quest.

Quest Sprout used to live in the forest with their mother; but they were seperated after Quest Sprout had a bad dream involving The Demon Sword of Eternal Slumber. Now Quest Sprout hangs out at the Adventur'r's Tavern, wandering the nearby countryside in search of quests. The locals are all high level adventurers themselves and are always ready to love and support Quest Sprout, so if things get too tough the tavern is always waiting.

Quest Sprout's sword is plain and made of wood, but in the Realm of Dreams it has a mind and a heart of its own. Even in dreams the two of them will go on daring quests to count sheep and catch roaming Z's.

Quest Sprout's trademark cry "QWEST!" is a call for adventure. Quest Sprout is always ready to charge in and save the day... unless there are scary demons involved.

Quest Sprout appears on 73 Pages:

CDI - Quest Sprout 01 May 2020 CDV - Quest Sprout Returns 06 May 2020 CDX - Quest Sprout Falls 19 May 2020 CDXV ~ The Dream Princess 06 Jun 2020 CDXXI - Questing with Mom 27 Jun 2020 CDXXIV - Star Spangled 04 Jul 2020 CDXXV - The Main Quest Begins 05 Jul 2020 CDXXX - The Quest Test 25 Jul 2020 CDXXXV - Quest Fetched 09 Aug 2020 CDXXXIX - Mind Blown 30 Aug 2020 CDXL - A Friends Errand 31 Aug 2020 CDL - Just a Sprout After All 08 Oct 2020 CDLVI - Halloween Qwesting 31 Oct 2020 CDLX - The Quest Board 15 Nov 2020 CDLXV - Hide Quest 24 Nov 2020 CDLXX - The Dragon Hunt 16 Dec 2020 CDLXXXV - Quest Unrest 01 Feb 2021 DVIII - Qwest for Knowledge 14 Jun 2021 DXVIII - Quest Gear 02 Aug 2021 DXXVIII - The Dragon Hunters 02 Sep 2021 DXLVIII - The Dragon Hunted 17 Oct 2021 DLIX - Make Like A Ship And Sprout 10 Dec 2021 DLXIII - Escort Qwest 17 Dec 2021 DLXVI - Spending Your Cut 21 Dec 2021 DLXIX - The Dragon Friend 06 Jan 2022 DCVII - Tavern, Sweet Tavern 28 May 2022 DCVIII - Buckler Under Pressure 29 May 2022 DCIX - Kid Napped 01 Jun 2022 DCXIX - Blocked Off 25 Jun 2022 DCXX - Time To Call It A Knight 26 Jun 2022 DCXXI - Star Player 29 Jun 2022 DCXXXIV - A Dreary Qwest Mess 31 Jul 2022 Swords x Huion 02 Aug 2022 DCXXXV - Shattered Peace 07 Aug 2022 DCXXXVI - A Hot New Quest 14 Aug 2022 DCLII - Distressed Sprout 01 Oct 2022 DCLIII - Pestcapades 02 Oct 2022 DCLIV - Into The Questwood 07 Oct 2022 DCLVII - Safety First 13 Oct 2022 DCLVIII - Pesty Business 23 Oct 2022 DCLIX - No Moms Land 24 Oct 2022 DCLX - The Final Quest 26 Oct 2022 DCLXIV - Qwestionable Loyalty 05 Nov 2022 DCLXV - Pesticide 06 Nov 2022 DCLXXXV - Quest Sprout Levels Up 11 Feb 2023 DCLXXXVI - An Offensive Defence 12 Feb 2023 DCLXXXVII - The Dream Team 18 Feb 2023 DCXCV - Friends In The End 26 Feb 2023 DCCX ~ Quest Sprout & the Guardian of Dreams 30 Mar 2023 DCCXI ~ Fool's Gold 01 Apr 2023 DCCXX ~ Quest Sprout & the Fallen Knight 26 Apr 2023 DCCXXI ~ Quest Sprout & The Fateful Reunion 26 Apr 2023 DCCXXII ~ Quest Sprout & The Bonds of Love 27 Apr 2023 DCCXXIII ~ Quest Sprout & The Bonds of Friendship 27 Apr 2023 DCCXXIV ~ Quest Sprout & The Door To Dreams 28 Apr 2023 DCCXXV ~ Quest Sprout & The Nightmare's End 05 May 2023 DCCLI ~ Quest Sprout & The Path Less Taken 01 Sep 2023 DCCLII ~ Quest Sprout & The Blooming Talent 01 Sep 2023 DCCLIII ~ Quest Sprout & The Pest Taste Test 02 Sep 2023 DCCLIV ~ Quest Sprout & The Plentiful Gains 02 Sep 2023 DCCLV ~ Quest Sprout & The Plentiful Brains 03 Sep 2023 DCCLVI ~ Quest Sprout & The Plentiful Pains 06 Sep 2023 DCCLVII ~ Quest Sprout & The Frozen Brains 07 Sep 2023 DCCLXXI ~ The Demon Sword Chronicles ~ I 05 Oct 2023 DCCLXXIII ~ The Demon Sword Chronicles ~ III 07 Oct 2023 DCCXCIX ~ Merry Qwestmas 24 Dec 2023 DCCC ~ 800 Winks 31 Dec 2023 DCCCXV ~ A Dream Qwest 04 Mar 2024 DCCCXXIII ~ Team Qwests Make The Dream Qwests 08 Apr 2024 DCCCXL ~ The Questing Beast 12 May 2024 DCCCXLI ~ Qwestioning the Questing Beast 13 May 2024 DCCCXLII ~ Where A Beast Dare Not Qwest 14 May 2024 DCCCXLVI ~ Sympathy From The Devil 23 May 2024
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