
CCCLXXXVI - Swords... Is Back!

March 21, 2020

Since you're staff, you can EDIT this comic!

Characters: Sickle Travel Goblin

Creatures: Dogmen

Locations: The Wet Dog

Hello everyone, I'm back from my 1 week break that definitely became 2 full weeks.

A lot of people have been asking if I'm safe given the current state of the world. I just want to assure everyone that New Zealand's situation is still evolving, and that I am making preparations to work from home if required. I am following instructions as they come in.

Likewise, I hope you're safe wherever you are and that you'll continue the Swords adventure with me.

The comic will be moving in to a higher res format after the 400th episode, like I did after episode 200, but for now we've got some plotlines to wrap up! Wink!

On a lighter note, I'd like to take a moment to thank Ko-Fi for donating me a Gold Membership as well! The commission module that comes with it is pretty great! Thankyou!


sickle: ...And then he fired me! His head inventor!

dogmen: Fired? You mean you got no money?

sickle: Can I pay you in swords of dubious quality?

Sickle is thrown out of the tavern called The Wet Dog with a SLAM! sound. The travelling goblin is sitting on the ground outside.

travel goblin: You too, huh?

Secret Text

Back to your regularly scheduled swordgramming.



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