
XIV - I Left My Blade...

March 18, 2018

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Characters: Baltad Greg Kargob Xiphos

Creatures: The Gods

Locations: The Badlands The Godrealm

Swords: Kargob's Fang


The gods are conversing in their realm

baltad: I left my blade in a stone in the forest-only a kind man will be able to pull it out and become king

greg: I left mine in the care of a lake monster- only a person of cunning will snatch it free...

baltad: And what of you, Kargob?

kargob: Oh, its a long story

Kargob's Godsword falls from the sky and lands in front of a young barbarian with a PLING! sound

kargob: SORRY!

Secret Text

Destiny shmestiny.



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