
CCCXCI - The Murder Weapon

March 26, 2020

Since you're staff, you can EDIT this comic!

Characters: The Sword Whisperer

Being stuck at home is pretty hard, but we've just gotta make the most of it. I have a few commissions I need to catch up on in the weekend, but during the week I'm just continuing to focus on making comics to keep everyone's spirits up and making sure to have a little downtime by playing small games on Steam. This week I played ART SQOOL and KIDS, which are both really fun little experiences.

If you didn't know, you can get the Dark Knight rank in the Swords discord server if you give me some old Steam keys you don't want. The discord link is at the bottom of every page of the website. Come hang out!


the sword whisperer: There's been a murder.

the sword whisperer: A murder to death... by sword!

the sword whisperer: You're under arrest!

The Sword Whisperer puts a pair of handcuffs on the murder weapon with a CLAK! sound

The Murder Weapon: That stab could have been from any sword!

the sword whisperer: Tell it to the judge!

Secret Text

All the other suspects had sheath-tight alibis.



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