
DCCCLXXVIII ~ Time Knife Redux

Jan. 19, 2025

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Characters: Tim the Explorer

Swords: Time Knife

I've been having fun updating Stars daily, you should catch up on Webtoon or Fables

If you missed the latest news, Cut the Deck is done with manufacturing and on its way to us for fulfilment! Yes, finally!

It was my intention for episode 878 to be another epic story drop for Kargob versus panDEMONium, but with people threatening to leave Patreon because they think I have abandoned Swords for Stars, I have no choice but to get back to daily goofs. Long episodes take a lot more focus than I think people appreciate, and I am spread too thin right now. Thanks for being understanding.

I hope this taste of what a remastered Season 1 would look like gives you a good idea of why I've been musing on retelling the main story arc in chronological order with nicer art for some time now.

Another new episode tomorrow. Wow! It's a Time Knife!


tim the explorer: Wow! It's a Time Knife!

Tim grabs the Time Knife with a GRAB! sound

efink emit a s'ti wow!

tim the explorer: Wow! It's a Time Knife!

Tim grabs the Time Knife with a GRAB! sound

efink emit a s'ti wow!

tim the explorer: Wow! It's a Time Knife!

Tim grabs the Time Knife with a GRAB! sound

efink emit a s'ti wow!

tim the explorer: Wow! It's a Time Knife!

Secret Text

Wow! It's a Time Knife!



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