DCCCLXXVII ~ Dream Broad
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We are 76 Patrons away from a very significant milestone - 1000 PATRONS! That would be a huge achievement for the community going into 2025, so please consider supporting the series here.
In any case, here is a 1 month free trial to the Swords patreon if supporting the series just isn't in the cards for you right now! This code will expire at the end of 2024, so come check out the rewards on offer and say hi in the group chat.
Speaking of cards, we're currently waiting on final confirmation that Cut the Deck is ready to start shipping - it should all be happening very soon.
Let's have a sharp new year together!
pierce the haunted sword: Road toll! Hand over your swollars!
Bandit: What does a talking sword need with money?
Pierce fantasizes about a golden paint glow-up
pierce the haunted sword: Don't I look sharp?
pierce the haunted sword: Oh... Y'know... Sword stuff.
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