
DLXXXI - Smart Filter

Feb. 15, 2022

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Characters: Steve Orcs

Creatures: Orcs

Swords: Smartsword


steve orcs: Introducing Smartsword Filters (tm)! They cast a Minor Illusion to make the killing blow fun for everyone!

steve orcs: "This is fine."

A man is being stabbed as he yells AHH! - his face has been replaced by a smiling emoji

steve orcs: "Confetti"

A man is being decapitated as he yells ARGH! - his blood has been replaced with colourful confetti

steve orcs: And a personal favourite... "Hara-Kitty!"

A man is being cut open as he yells AAAAAAHH! - his spilling organs have been replaced with a collection of kittens falling out of his body making a MEOW! MEOW! MEOW! sound

Secret Text

Confetti will spill in the streets this night.



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