DCCLXVI ~ Seax Appeal
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Thank you for participating in the 2023 Swords Annual Survey - it will take me some time to arrange the 1000+ responses into something coherent to present, but some common sentiments included:
More Quest Sprout
Less Quest Sprout
Post on a strict, publicly available schedule
Announce in advance what stories are happening in the coming year
Post in chronological order
Post longer episodes
Post stories grouped together, but also don't spend an entire month on one story like with the Patreon Swor'nament again
Make the Discord easier to find
I have read lots and lots and LOTS of feedback, but please understand that the above isn't a to-do list. Not every request is feasible without some human cost. Let's keep building a great series and a great community together.
Blacksmith: Times sure are tough.
Blacksmith: Used to be a time when a blacksmith could get by just making swords.
Blacksmith: Now they gotta be sexy, too!
Blacksmith: Sigh. Maybe I should become a priest.
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